How to Apply
St. Constance School is open to all students regardless of race, ethnic origin, or religious affiliation. We believe in the power of diversity and inclusion. We welcome students from all walks of life, fostering a community where everyone is respected and valued.

Admissions Process
We provide a challenging educational program for students with average to above-average abilities. Limited services are available for students with diagnosed disabilities due to lack of special education funding. Admissions are ongoing, with enrollment for the next school year beginning during Catholic Schools Week in late January. For more information, contact (773) 283-2311 or request an information packet online.
Fill out this form to learn more about St. Constance.
Enrollment Requirements
The following records are required for a child to enter St. Constance School: •Birth certificate •Baptismal certificate for those who are Catholic •Health records (Students must meet state requirements regarding immunization policies before and during their time of attendance at St. Constance School.) Preschool and Pre-K students must be able to feed and dress themselves, be toilet-trained and able to follow simple directions. Kindergarten students are required to have well defined fine and large motor skills, listening skills, social skills, and the ability to follow directions. Students in grades 5-8 are usually interviewed by the principal prior to acceptance. In accordance with Illinois State Board of Education requirements, students enrolling in Preschool, Prek-K, Kindergarten or First grade must be three, four, five or six-years-old by September 1 of the respective year for the class for which they are registering.

St. Constance School's registration process consists of three steps: Application, Acceptance and Admission.
To complete an application families must:
•Fill out Application for Admission in addition to the online application (Online application can be found at the bottom of this page)
•Provide an original or certified copy of the child’s birth certificate •Provide a baptismal certificate if the child is Catholic •Submit the student’s latest report card •Submit the student’s latest standardized test scores e.g., iReady, ISAT, or ACT Aspire To finalize registration families need to visit the office to: •Pay the registration and materials fee •Sign a Financial Agreement Form with the school finance officer •Sign a Parent-School Contract •Sign a Photographic Release Form •Submit a Health Form, showing compliance with all requirements •Submit a Dental Form, signed and dated by the Dentist •Complete an Emergency Card for each student Payment of fees, pertinent signatures, and submission of all required forms guarantee the child’s place in the grade. Admission of all students is on a probationary basis for academics and behavior. Detailed Application Procedures, Fees, and Tuition Information for 2022-2023 can be found in our Parent-Student Handbook below.
Apply Online
Please fill out the form to start the enrollment process for St. Constance Elementary School.
You can also reach out to our office directly by phone or email.